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Peyman Hooshmandrad

RAD LAW GROUP, APLC A Professional Law Corporation

Mr. Hooshmandrad has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and has worked in telecommunication and software industry for over 20 years combined. He has practiced law as a civil litigator, family law and complex personal injury attorney for almost another 20 years. He has appeared in court in the nine Bay Area Counties and Los Angeles County and has been in house, Vice president and Senior General Counsel of a number of high Technology startups.

He is an attorney and an electrical engineer by discipline and an active member of California State Bar with a passion for great technology products and strong creative and communications skills.

His forte is in more than 35 years of business development, drafting complex licensing, non-disclosure, professional services and master subscription agreements, intellectual property protection, contract negotiation and building strategic partnerships in telecommunication and software industries space as well as Civil L:itigatiomn, Family Law and Personal Injury actions in Court.

He is well versed in both transactional issues as well as litigation process.

He has been the key legal authority at various organizations, acting as general counsel in wireless space. Most notable he was vice president and general counsel of Visto Corporation – a high technology wireless software company wherein he supported and cross counseled the entire marketing, business development, engineering and sales teams in their interaction with enterprise customers through their life cycles.

He has been responsible for IP rights protection, licensing rights, and has managed all outside counsel as to general litigation and IP issues pertaining to patent litigation and prosecution and complex licensing agreement as well as infringement and validity analysis, His past responsibilities have included press, media and competitive analysis, target determination for enforcement of patents, balancing patent litigation versus licensing, cease and desist letters, trademark and copyright issues and employment related matters.

He presently acts as outside General Counsel to many small high-tech firms dealing with their IP, contract negotiations licensing and general litigation issues.

Due to his electrical engineering background, he can analyze and understand complex technical issues and related products in both telecommunications and software areas.

He has been instrumental in drafting and negotiating master contracts and licensing agreements with major customers such as General Electric, Handspring, Vodafone, AT&T, capital leases, commercial leases and analysis of privacy and export control issues, including EU directive and UK laws.

As a telecommunication law and policy adjunct faculty professor at Golden Gate University, his focus has been in competitive analysis, technology innovation and business value; examination of the effects of technology adoption on capacity for innovation and leadership, an assessment of innovated technologies to determine their impact on business value, regulatory matters, monopolies, FCC and SEC regulations,1933-34 acts, 1996 Telecommunication Act, and financial considerations such as price caps, and rate of return analysis.

He is also well versed in arbitration and negotiation with great interest in international arbitration.
